
- Analyze your account
- Analyze other people's accounts(public or following allowed account only)
- View HD Profile picture

- Friends
- Non following, Non followers
- New followers, New following
- Unfollowers, Unfollowed

- Find out closest people of your interested friend
- Sort by target's actions(tags on post, story, comment)
- Sort by fan's actions(like, comment, story visit)
- Filter by relationship
- Find mutual friends

- Watch stories secretly
- Detect hidden tags
- Searchable visitors list in your stories
- Find non-followers who viewed story
- Keep stories and visitors

Post and Reel
- Find non-followers who liked post
- Automatic URL recognition(copy URL and come back this app.)

Switch multiple accounts
- This app does not store log in information or cookies. Therefore, Save the account to YOUR BROWSER when you log in.
- Even after log in, You can save account by pressing the key icon on the users panel.
- After that, you can easily switch accounts by pressing the key change icon.

- Dark or light theme switchable

The Unfollowers is a safe app. The data is owned by the user and we do not collect, store or redistribute any third party data. All data is stored and analyzed only on user's device.

Photos by kara_danvers, matt909, binthieu, lee_hisu, animal279, bachtran2000 on Unsplash.